Monday, September 22, 2008


So sorry to all of you who just hang on my every blog post (that was a joke) I haven't posted in forever.
Since last post school has started back up (and is going well), I got a new job (more below), bought a more fuel efficient vehicle (actually still paying for it, bought it from my parents), and I started learning how to play the electric Bass. Last Sunday (not yesterday) was the first youth worship that I helped to lead. We played some really cool songs, one of them was called Everything to God (the bass part is really fun). I will try to put the song on here so you can hear it. I now work for Tri-signs (a sign company duh:). There I help to build, install, and repair all types of signs. It is really neat. Well now you are all pretty much up to date on what is happening here so cya later
God Bless-


Pyrolord said...

*Sniff* I wanted to do worship real bad... Oh well, maybe later(I'd have prefered sooner though ;P)...

Anonymous said...

Electric basses is coooooooooool. Electric DRUMS now, that's cooler!

Pyrolord said...

But electric guitars is the coolest.
Electric harmonicas would be cool too...

Lady of somethin' er 'nother... said...

Ya ya'll are just a little strange. ;D and I mean that in the nicest of ways Meaggy and Ton'.

Guess what TJ? I like posts and you wrote one. That makes you cool....for a little while.

Unknown said...

haha, well, aren't you so fickle!
lol, jk, I like you, Lady :)

Unknown said...

hi TJ,
glad you have a job, hope it's going well.
You need to drop in again, sometime. Maybe I'll make another apple pie...

Mechanicman said...

Apple Pie would be nice...